
Passeport pour la Vie – Passport for Life ASBL aims to support individual development. With its “education” department, the association enables learning and developing intellectual and psychological abilities.

The association also offers to pass on knowledge and humanist values to the next generation (soft skills, know-how).

We firmly believe that education never stops. This is why we speak to a young and not so young audience.

We are in accordance with the goals of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, according to which education is a right guaranteed by the countries, and must have the following goals:

    • Support the fulfillment of the child’s/youth’s personality and the development of their gifts and intellectual and physical abilities to the fullest;
    • Teach the child/youth to respect human rights, fundamental liberties and the principles of the United Nations Charter;
    • Teach the child/youth to respect their parents, their identity, their language and their cultural values, as well as to respect the national value of the country they live in, of the country they’re from, and of civilizations different from theirs;
    • Prepare the child/youth to take on life responsibilities in a free society, with an open mind focused on understanding, peace, tolerance, gender equality and friendship between all people and ethnic, national and religious groups and aboriginal people;
    • Teach the child/youth to respect nature and their environment.