Développement personnel

The nonprofit organization Passport for Life supports the youth’s personal development through all of its activities. Indeed, knowing oneself and bolstering one’s self-confidence and self-worth is among the main objectives of all the activities of the organization, which allows participants to discover and develop their abilities in order to reach their full potential. To us, self-confidence is the basis of a successful life.

Being confident is daring to be assertive, daring to take initiatives, believing success is possible, not being scared of failure, being able to bounce back and daring to take the road less traveled. Being yourself.

To this end, the organization offers several kinds of activities which vary quite a bit, but are all linked by this desire to help everyone reach their full potential through suitable activities.

Individual interviews can be scheduled by making an appointment in order to get to know each other better and develop one’s potential (only in the Brussels Capital region).