Service de Traduction

Our organisation offers translation service from English to French to fund our social projects !

We started educating people about the blockchain technology when discovering that French language was missing from the blockchain industry.

We are familiar with the specific language and terminology related to blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies and we, the translators who are going to take care of your translation, are experts in translation. We are willing to help more projects get the visibility they deserve in the French-speaking world.

If you are looking for someone to translate any of your content (website, App, whitepaper, ICO guide, videos, or books related to the cryptosphere, …) in French, please, don’t hesitate to contact us.

French is the 5th most spoken language in the world. Don’t miss the French Market. Start translating your blockchain and cryptocurrencies’ projects into French. Now.

Why translate in French

French is in 5th place after Mandarin, English, Spanish and Arabic or Hindi among the most widely spoken languages in the world. But, after English, it is the second most learned language (hence an impressive potential).

Today, 274 million people speak French.

French is spoken across the five continents, in nearly all world countries !

French is the 3rd most important business language in the world after English and Chinese according to Bloomberg.

French is the 2nd most useful language in trade after German and ahead of Spanish, Arabic and Chinese for UK firms according to the British Council.

And French is also…

  • 4th Internet language in terms of users
  • 3rd most widely used language in blogs
  • 4th for Web content (including Wikipedia)
  • 4th on social networks


When choosing a translator, pay attention to…

Today, everyone can be  “a translator” because of Google Translation. But not everyone is able to translate proprely. You need to find an expert in the blockchain industry who understands the technology and terminologies to produce an accurate translation.

Note that all our translations are reviewed by a second translator specialized in translation review because 4 eyes are always better than two!

Translating jobs already (well) done

Steem White, Blue Paper, SMT

Steem WhitepaperSteem Bluepaper


  • SMT : not released yet



Landing Page

Video Scripts

Dash-101 written and directed by Aaron Koening (videos not yet released)

Videos Subtitles

Steemit Blogs Posts

By choosing us to translate your content, you are helping our organisation grow and continue to help youths develop their potential through self-esteem training, international youths exchanges and School-coaching.

Oh… And by the way. We accept cryptoccurency as payment. 


Contact us by email : !